Always call 911 in an emergency

Skilled hands. Cool heads. Caring hearts.

Operations Leadership

The Chief is appointed by the President with the advice and counsel of the remaining Directors. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the corporation, responsible for the strategic vision and organizational management of Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance. The Chief reports directly to the President, regularly attends Board meetings, and is responsible for the readiness, delivery and quality of emergency medical services of our corps.

The Chief works closely with three Deputy Chiefs, responsible for Operations, Administration, and Program Development. This executive team ensures PVA provides high-quality, reliable emergency medical services to the Town and Village of Pittsford. A corps of highly skilled Captains and Lieutenants oversee many additional programs, and support our EMTs and Paramedics in their responses within the community.

Our team strives to provide emergency care to all, as if every patient was a member of our family. We strive to be innovators, influencers, and industry leaders, upholding health and quality of life and creating opportunity for the advancement of EMS service in our communities.

Jonathan D. Smith


Neil Mathews

Deputy Chief, Administration

Jesse Merdak

Deputy Chief, Operations

Amanda Martin

Deputy Chief, Program Development

Services We Provide

Skilled hands. Cool heads. Caring hearts.

Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance provides Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support services for the town of Pittsford, NY. PVA also provides non-emergency, Community Services to Pittsford residents.