Congratulations PVA – MLREMS Agency of the Year!

May 15, 2022

PVA Awarded Agency of the Year

From PVA Chief Jonathan Smith:

Good afternoon, and Happy EMS Week!

I am exceedingly proud to announce PVA has been awarded MLREMS Agency of the Year!
Below is the award recognition read at our event:

Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance was established in 1971, following a community-initiated assessment of need for a locally-focused ambulance service. Throughout the following 50 years, this agency has grown from an EMT-level service, into a Paramedic-level service with some of the most experienced and forward-thinking practitioners in our area. This agency continues to provide high-quality clinical care, especially focused on developing exceptional EMS practitioners who deliver excellent service in every response.

This agency treats our patients like they are family, and looks for ways to help that exceed the ‘routine’ care expected of an EMS professional. This agency seeks opportunities to develop and participate in innovative care, public health and public safety initiatives, for the betterment of our community. PVA has participated in community risk assessment and mitigation, Community Paramedicine, Telemedicine program development and operation, public health initiatives for COVID-19 mitigation, development of education for advancement of EMS professionals, as well as community education on CPR and First Aid.

While 50 years is a milestone to celebrate, and while this agency’s accomplishments in that time are worthy of recognition, this agency believes their people are the reason for our success. All who have served in our corps, past and present, deserve recognition for all they continue to do in service to our community, and as representatives of our profession.

The Monroe-Livingston Regional EMS Council would like to recognize Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance as the 2021 EMS Agency of the Year.

There is no PVA without all of our members – each and every one is a contributor to our family, our success, and our community. I can’t begin to share how proud I am of our corps – amazing work and congratulations all!

– Jonathan Smith,
Chief, Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance