Always call 911 in an emergency
Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance
Skilled hands. Cool heads. Caring hearts.
Patient Feedback
Feedback Form
Thank You For Your Support
To continue to provide the highest quality of patient-centered pre-hospital care, while experiencing significantly increased emergency call volumes and hospital transport needs, we rely on your support. Your donations are crucial to be at your emergency with Skilled Hands, Cool Heads, and Caring Hearts.
Donating is simple, secure and rewarding. Donations are gratefully accepted at our base, through our annual fund drive, the United Way, the “Roc the Day” of Giving, bequests, deferred giving, and by gift designation in obituaries. We also often receive donations by check with the return of loaned equipment, and with patient feedback quality control cards.
You may also donate online from our website. We’ve chosen Cardpointe as a trusted platform to protect your personal information and transaction details. When you click the Donate button below you will be redirected to a secure environment to complete your donation to our general fund.