Always call 911 in an emergency

Skilled hands. Cool heads. Caring hearts.

Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance celebrated 50 years of service on Saturday, September 18th at the PVA base on Tobey Rd. Founded in 1971, PVA has been tirelessly serving Pittsford, and the surrounding area, focused on their core vision as an excellent emergency medical care provider.

Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate our 50 Year Anniversary!

It takes a village to run a volunteer organization like Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance. Family supporting providers, providers supporting our community, who in turn support PVA. With generous donations from businesses like Wegmans and Messner Carpeting, along with donations of talent and time from Tobey Village House Band – we were able to put together a celebration honoring 50 years of volunteer service by the Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance. The Pittsford Fire Department and Mounted Sheriff were on hand in a big way to show their support as well, bringing together a network of vital local support.

Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance Finds a Friend in Senator Samra Brouk

Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance Chief Jonathan Smith had the great pleasure of meeting with Senator Samra Brouk at our recent 50th Anniversary Celebration and found out as a young adult, she served the EMS community as a dispatcher. Also on hand was Diane Dobbertin, one of the original volunteers on the Pittsford service 50 years ago.

Please enjoy some photos from our day together below:

PVA Family – Providers, Past Providers, Board of Directors and Family

Gabby Santana and family – PVA BLS Provider

Jason and Kate Valdez and family – Community Member

Karen Yacono and family – Community Member

Diane Dobbertin - Original PVA Volunteer

EMT Alexis Behar hamming it up with original PVA volunteer Diane Dobbertin

Diane Dobbertin, original PVA volunteer being interviewed for Channel 10 news

Chief Jonathan Smith sharing stories about Senator Brouk’s early roots in EMS

(from left to right) Monroe County Legislator Howard Mafucci, PVA Chief Jonathan Smith, County Executive Adam Bello, Monroe County Legislator is Michael Yudelson

Food provided by Mr V’s Street Style

Monroe County Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol

Live music provide by Tobey Village House Band

Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes

Pittsford Fire Department

Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes